Ecoagriculture is an approach to achieving at least three goals across large land areas: conserving biodiversity and ecosystem services, producing agricultural products, and supporting viable livelihoods for local people. The term “ecoagriculture” was coined in 2001 by Sara Scherr and Jeffrey McNeely, authors of the Future Harvest-commissioned report Common Ground, Common Future: How Ecoagriculture Can Help Feed the World and Save Wild Biodiversity.

Ecoagriculture is a form of integrated landscape management that supports mutual benefits and reinforces synergies between human activities. It is designed to achieve goals such as nature conservation and food production that were once thought to be in conflict. But many integrated landscape initiatives practicing ecoagriculture have shown how these can coexist or even positively affect each other. This process requires collaboration between diverse stakeholders who are collectively responsible for managing key components of a landscape. We work to create tools and innovations that support this approach worldwide.